Funny Black Labrador Puppy Training Session

November 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Puppy Training Video

4 month old black labrador acts funny during a training session.


21 Responses to “Funny Black Labrador Puppy Training Session”
  1. clevercupcake says:

    Americans? Really…. has nothing to do with it

  2. orchestralbunny says:

    Midnight is the name of one of my cats hahaha.

  3. batara krisna says:

    @bngzzek Yeah man this website here is just giving out comletely free Pink Apple iPad 4’s for today only. You do have to be living in the U.S though but it’s all real, I claimed mine just before. Better hurry up!

  4. Destiny Reddoch says:

    The clicker works better than a verbal word because unlike your voice, the clickers sound never changes. The clicker also can let your dog know from a distance that the behavior he is doing is what you want, because the clicker is rather loud from a distance, as with your voice that is not the case. Your voice is most likely more quieter than the clicker.

  5. northukuk says:

    PUPPY REALITY TV IS HERE. i have just got a new cute labrador puppy and im making it youtubes first reality tv dog, il be uploading videos from her giving birth, following her puppies to getting her groomed bath time, training, you name it she will be there, lets hope you lover her as much as i do, please help me name her, im calling her cassie for now but maybe you have a better idea. x

  6. plip plop says:

    Erm……..can’t see anything funny about this training session? Why use clickers when all you have to do is just use a calm voice? Americans I suppose!

  7. FuckFeminists says:

    Midnight, cool name! Shes very well trained for a 4 month old…whats your secret? (except bribery lol) Romeo

  8. kickflipindy02 says:

    hey guys i have a very smart 1 year old female black lab please check out my video
    type in Female Black Lab Puppy (1 Year Old) it will be the first video at the top

  9. kickflipindy02 says:

    hey guys i have a very smart 1 year old female black lab please check out my video
    type in Female Black Lab Puppy (1 Year Old) it will be the first video at the top

  10. princetigon says:

    congraz bestfriend dawg

  11. beki15 says:

    Midnight is a lovely dog! I would love a lab but I have never had a dog before and I’ve also heard many a horror story about labradors with boundless energy and never listening! What’s your secret? Or is Midnight a generally well-behaved dog?

  12. iammike08 says:

    Labs are a great dog for wanting to please their peoples. As a result, they are pretty easy to train BUT you should still do lots of training research and above all else, remain consistent in your actions. The more consistent you are, the faster your training will move along.

  13. Craig Addyman says:

    Awww how cute stretching out like that lol

  14. labsrus1 says:

    Great job, both of you! She’s doing well @ 4 months and is adorable. I have a 5 month old black girl from our last litter that I don’t clicker tran (not yet) Im working more on “standing 4 square” and stacking for the show ring than much else (she knows all of he basics since before 8 weeks. Enjoy her and the best of luck with your training sessionsl

  15. utegirl70 says:

    She’s wonderful! At 4 months, that’s great training work. :o)

  16. The1970sInfatuate says:


  17. schultz970 says:

    That tail never stops wagging. Black labs RULE!!!!!!!

  18. Piraka90003000 says:

    What a lovely dog

  19. ImC00LyourNOT says:

    how did you train this dog so good i want one but not sure if ill be able to train it ive never owned a dog

  20. pw4gdf says:

    She is very cute!! 🙂

  21. Fania54 says:

    Playful, smart pup lovin’ life, and I can see how much fun you two are


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